Derby is for everyone - Access In this counter culture sport
Accessibility in sport is an end you never reach but the work to get there is well worth the effort.
Receive, don’t resist: Part 2 - Resaerch Rejection
Rejection in research is a constant. How you respond is the key variable.
Push some boundaries and maybe even break a few rules. It’s ok, you are learning
Sometimes you have to push some boundaries and risk being wrong to get better
Keep your chin up: where your eyes are looking, your body will follow
Decide where you want to go and keep your eyes on the prize.
If you are alone, you are wrong. Find a friend- Part II
Science (and life) is a team sport and bad things happen if you find yourself alone so in times of need, find your friends!
If you are alone, you are wrong. Find a friend.
Derby is a team sport and bad things happen if you find yourself alone so in times of need, find your friends!
Fall Small - Part II: Fail small
Falling Failing small in the science lab is key to learning and intellectual growth.
Brains and Bruises: An Introduction
How a pair of roller skates, a mouth guard and a sparkly helmet has shaped my scientific journey